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End-to-End Consulting

Empowering people and enabling business through Learning Value Chain.

Learning Value Chain

Framework for creating business value through learning

We uncover the training needs of your organization with our comprehensive assessment services.

Output: A report detailing the skills and knowledge gaps within the organization, and recommendations for addressing them.

We design tailored training solutions to meet the specific needs of your organization using classroom and non-classroom learning methods.

Output: Learning materials and resources such as lesson plans, presentations, and assessments. A plan for delivering the training, including facilitator guidelines.

We maximize the effectiveness of your training with our flexible delivery options, designing and deploying all aspects of the 70:20:10.

Output: Implementation of the training, including scheduling, facilitator assignments, and delivery methods. Feedback and evaluation forms for participants to assess the effectiveness of the training.

We measure the ROI of your training with our impact measurement services to ensure result-driven learning.

Output: A report detailing the impact of the training on organizational performance, and data for future development initiatives, such as identifying areas for improvement and planning for additional training.

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